Saturday, April 13, 2024

IDF Planning "Significant Response" Against Iran As Explosions Ring Out Across Israel

"CNN is reporting there have been several explosion on the ground across Israel, but there's yet to be official confirmation of the extent of casualties. Israeli media is reporting the first as follows: "Medics treating first injury from Iran attack – a 10-year-old boy from Bedouin town near Arad in serious condition."
The IDF spokesman is confirming at least one of its military bases has been hit in the south by an Iranian cruise missile, sustaining "minor damage".
Over "200 different kinds" of projectiles were fired toward Israel, the IDF spokesman said.
This was reportedly at Dimona, where Israel reportedly has undeclared nuclear weapons, making such a strike highly dangerous. Further Iran's IRNA is reporting:
Iran successfully struck the Israeli airbase in the Negev Desert with 'Khaybar' ballistic missiles.
Importantly, Times of Israel is reporting that Israel's military is preparing a response, in what is likely to become a continuing tit-for-tat in the coming days." ZH

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