Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Woman caught spying for Russia – providing coordinates for missile strikes in Kharkiv Oblast

"The invaders engaged a local woman to work for Russian intelligence. She was tasked with identifying and marking on Google Maps the geolocations of minefields, long-term defense points, and as systems of trenches and dugouts.
She was monitoring the railway tracks used by the Ukrainian military, especially those to transport heavy armored vehicles and artillery. The Russians planned to carry out cruise missile and anti-aircraft missile attacks using the coordinates she provided. The goal was to weaken Kharkiv’s defenses and destroy railway routes for transporting personnel, weapons, and ammunition to Ukrainian soldiers at the front. The evidence collected was enough for SBU investigators to charge the woman with disseminating critical information during martial law under Article 114-2, Part 2 of Ukraine’s Criminal Code.
She faces up to 8 years in prison." VU

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