Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Poll: Majority Oppose Biden Withholding Arms from Israel

"A new Harvard-Harris poll for the month of May confirms data from previous iterations of
the poll that suggest roughly 80% of
American voters back Israel over the terrorist group Hamas in the ongoing war in Gaza. Two-thirds (66%) of voters said that there should only be a ceasefire once the remaining Israeli (and American) hostages are released and Hamas has been removed from power. Three-fourths (74%) said Israel should move forward with its operation against Hamas in Rafah — a position at odds with that of the Biden administration. 56% said that President Joe Biden’s decision to withhold some arms from Israelmainly embolden[s] Hamas and backers like Iran to continue the war and violent actions.” Only those 18-24 years old narrowly disagreed." Breitbart

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