Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

"A top British intelligence official has issued a new alarmist warning concerning the 'Russian threat' to the West. Anne Keast-Butler, who for the last year has headed up the UK's GCHQ, or signals intelligence operations (which is the equivalent of America's NSA), has warned in her first major speech that President Putin is plotting "physical attacks" against Western targets.
Addressing cyber security experts in Birmingham, the GCHQ director claimed that Moscow is busy "nurturing and inspiring" groups of cyber attackers, and is even "in some cases seemingly coordinating physical attacks against the West."
She said that alongside Russia, China poses an "epoch-defining" risk to long-term UK national security as well. She admitted that currently China is taking up "more resource… than any other single mission" at GCHQ.
But ultimately she focused the speech on British intelligence being "increasingly concerned about growing links between the Russian intelligence services and proxy groups to conduct cyber-attacks – as well as suspected physical surveillance and sabotage operations." ZH

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