Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bombshell shakeup in Ukrainian military after damning accusations

"President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed General Yurii Sodol, the Commander of the United Armed Forces of Ukraine. The day before, Bohdan Krotevych, the Chief of Staff of the Azov Brigade of the National Guard, requested the Ukrainian Intelligence Service initiate an investigation into Sodol, accusing him of massive losses in the units.
President Volodymyr Zelensky announced in his evening speech that after a meeting with the Supreme Commander, Chief of the General Staff, and the Minister of National Defense, he decided to "replace the Commander of the United Armed Forces, General Yurii Sodol, with General Andrii Hnatov."
The day before, Bohdan Krotevych, the Chief of Staff of the Azov Brigade of the National Guard, requested that the State Bureau of Investigations of Ukraine (SBI) investigate General Sodol.
Sources from Ukrainian Pravda report that Krotevych accuses the general of "exceeding his authority and incompetent military command," which led to the "loss of a large part of Ukraine's territory," and requests that the commander be checked "for collaboration with the enemy."
"In my opinion, he (through his decisions - ed. note) killed more Ukrainian soldiers than any Russian general. While giving testimony in matters that I cannot discuss, I spoke about, in my opinion, committed war crimes," - Krotevych wrote on Telegram." MS

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