Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Global confidence in Zelensky has ‘declined significantly’ – poll

"Some 46% of respondents have “not too much” trust in the Ukrainian leader or “none at all,” Pew Research has found. According to Pew, the results were mixed but only 40% of
respondents reported having at least “some” confidence in
Zelensky regarding world affairs. The reported levels of trust were the highest in Sweden (80%), the UK (72%), the Netherlands (66%), Canada (64%), and Japan (63%).
At the same time, Hungary (83%), Greece (72%), Tunisia (69%), Mexico (67%), Malaysia (61%), Italy (60%) were the most skeptical of Zelensky.
In many places a large portion of respondents – including 45% in India and 38% in South Africa and Sri Lanka – did not express any opinion of Zelensky whatsoever. Asked about their nation’s level of military and other support to Kiev, some 24% of Americans said it was “not enough,” while 31% said that Washington was providing “too much.” " RT

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