Wednesday, August 7, 2024

UK News Station Cuts Feed as Muslim Protesters Surround Reporter

"Britain’s Sky News abruptly cut a live feed on Monday after a horde of masked Muslim men surrounded and intimidated a female reporter.
At the time, Becky Johnson was reporting from Birmingham, where residents were peacefully protesting the mass wave of illegal immigrants being dumped into their community. As she was speaking, a masked thug biked up to Johnson and yelled into the camera, “Free Palestine!” and “F*** the EDL!”
The EDL, or the English Defence League, is an activist group that opposes unchecked illegal immigration. As other masked men approached the camera, a Sky News anchor in the studio stopped the feed, saying, “We need to leave you there. And Becky, we’ll have security there.” It’s clear the feed was cut to downplay threats or violence committed by Muslims. The British media have done this for decades." WJ

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