"The defeat in Mali is the worst the Wagner Group has suffered—outside of its operations in the war against Ukraine—since February 2018. At that time, U.S. Army helicopters destroyed a similar convoy near the Syrian town of Kasham. The coalition of Tuareg rebels operates in northern Mali under the name "Strategic Framework for the Defense of the People of Azawad." In recent years, Wagner Group's Russian private army mercenaries have fought on the side of the Malian government. Among those killed in the attack was Nikita Fedyanin, the author of the Telegram channel "Gray Zone" with over half a million subscribers. Fedyanin reported on the Wagner Group. Since February 20, there have been several posts on that channel about the offensive in northeastern Mali. Fedyanin allegedly handed over photos to the channel showing that Tuaregs were trained by members of the Ukrainian military intelligence service (HUR). Ukrainian military intelligence service was involved in the attack on Wagner mercenaries in Mali. Ukraine and its allies are doing everything they can to undermine Russia. To fight against the Tuareg rebel coalition, the Malian junta under Colonel Assimi Goita decided to hire the Russian "Wagner Group."
Ukrainian units were engaged in Sudan during the fall: they disrupted the logistics of the rebels, mined roads to Khartoum, and conducted night drone attacks. "Our goal was never to track individual Wagner mercenaries." . "If Ukrainian forces' involvement in Mali is confirmed, it means that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is not limited to Ukrainian territory but extends to other places, especially Africa," said Nina Wilén." FW
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