"The fuse has been burning slowly, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's risky August invasion of Russia's Kursk region is about to blow up in his face in spectacular fashion -- as thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are suddenly in imminent peril of being encircled, according to open source intelligence analysts. The crisis comes as Zelensky is under increasing US pressure to reach a negotiated end to the war -- and a loss of captured Russian territory promises to make his already-deteriorated bargaining position even weaker.
According to DeepStateMAP.live, an interactive map of the war run by Ukrainian military bloggers, their country's forces in Kursk are nearly cleaved into two, with roughly three-quarters of Ukraine's forces in Russia almost entirely surrounded.
Ukraine's hold on the territory was also seen as a bargaining chip for Zelensky as the war now seems destined for a negotiated end. Not only does that chip appear to be vanishing, Putin could end up with a some new chips of its own -- as Russia may soon have thousands more Ukrainian prisoners of war among its assets." ZH
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