Monday, February 28, 2022

Huge explosions rock Kyiv hours after dozens were killed in Russian CLUSTER BOMBS attack on Kharkiv

"Russians are now using banned cluster munitions against civilian areas, experts and
activists have warned 
  • Attack with Grad rockets on shopping centre in Kharkiv today killed dozens and wounded hundreds, Kyiv said 
  • Campaign group Amnesty said similar bombs were used to destroy a school in Okhtyrka, leaving three dead
  • If Russia is confirmed to have used the weapons it could constitute a war crime, amid warnings that Putin is likely to start resorting to using heavier weapons to turn the tide of war.
    • Russia orders people and companies to sell 80 per cent of their revenue in foreign currencies, forcing them to buy the ruble to help prop it up
    • Moscow stock exchange won't open until at least 3pm in an attempt to head off all-out crash
    • Zelensky has allowed Ukrainian prisoners to be freed if they join defence forces to 'repay their debt' 
    • Ukraine president also announced creation of 'international brigade' for foreign volunteers wishing to join military, after 'thousands' applied ."
    " DM

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