"The Land Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said Friday that Russian troops stopped in
Konotop, a city on their route to Kyiv, due to fuel and supply issues, Reuters reported.
Konotop, a city on their route to Kyiv, due to fuel and supply issues, Reuters reported.
That led to one video, which could be verified, of a Ukrainian citizen offering to tow a tank back to Russia and a tweet that showed what happened to Russian soldiers making a similar request near the city of Kharkiv.
“These two Russian idiots in Shevchenkove, Kharkiv oblast, had their
vehicle sputtered out. Guess what they did? They came to a local
Ukrainian police station. And asked if they could have some fuel,” the
tweet showing an image of the soldiers read.
Estonia’s former chief of defense, Riho Terras, noted that the images
contrast with preconceptions about Russia’s military might......“They have no fuel, no motivation, they do not even know where they are
supposed to go. A surreal exchange to be honest, but it shows how
unprepared these first waves of Russian invasion have been,” he said." WJ
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