Thursday, March 31, 2022

Ukraine Demands Removal of Slovenian Flag Because It Looks a Bit Russian

"Ukrainian authorities demanded the removal of a Slovenian flag from an embassy in Kiev,
despite Slovenia supporting Ukraine, because it looked a bit similar to the Russian flag." SN

UN Establishes War Crimes Tribunal To Probe Russian Actions In Ukraine

"On Wednesday the United Nations formally established a war crimes investigative
, naming three human rights experts to initiate a probe into Russia's military actions in Ukraine, amid allegations of "indiscriminate" bombardment of civilians and other acts of aggression toward non-combatants."

India Mulls Russian Offer Of SWIFT Alternative For Ruble Payments As Lavrov Visits

"India is considering a proposal from Russia to use a messaging system developed by the
Russian central bank for bilateral payments as New Delhi isn’t following the US-led economic campaign against Moscow, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday.
Sources told Bloomberg that the plan involves using Russia’s messaging system, known as SPFS, for rupee-ruble-denominated payments. The proposal is expected to be discussed as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrives in India for his two-day visit on Thursday." ZH

Russia’s ruble rebound raises questions of sanctions’ impact

"The ruble is no longer rubble.
The Russian ruble by Wednesday had bounced back from the fall it took after the U.S. and
European allies moved to bury the Russian economy under thousands of new sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin has resorted to extreme financial measures to blunt the West’s penalties and inflate his currency." Yahoo

Russian Troops Accidentally Shoot Down Their Own Aircraft, Sabotage Equipment, Refuse To Carry Out Orders

"Russian soldiers have allegedly shot down their own aircraft while others have reportedly
sabotaged their own equipment and have refused to carry out orders, according to a top British intelligence official." DailyWire

Ukraine Threatens to Sink Any Foreign Ship Trying to Leave Its Ports

"Kiev is barring foreign ships blocked in Ukrainian ports from leaving, threatening to immediately sink them, Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
Volodymyr Zelensky's claims that Russia has blocked about 100 foreign ships in Ukrainian ports is a lie, Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said, adding that the Kiev authorities have forcibly detained 68 ships from different countries in the ports of four cities." Sputnik

Turkey Will Not Join Sanctions Against Russia

"Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced that Ankara is not going to join the
sanctions imposed against Russia by the United States and the EU over the ongoing situation in Ukraine.
The Turkish head of state declared that his country "will not participate in sanctions against Russia",...." Sputnik

Putin's Popularity Rises in Russia, Drops Among Americans, Polls Say

"The poll showed that approval of Putin's actions increased from 69 percent in January to 83 percent in March within Russia.
But in the U.S., Putin's confidence rating has dropped to dismal lows, according to another new poll from the Pew Research Center. Just 6 percent of surveyed U.S. adults said that they have confidence in Putin after his decision to invade Ukraine." Newsweek

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Two Russian fighter jets that violated Swedish airspace earlier this month 'were equipped with NUKES with the aim of scaring Stockholm'

"Two Russian planes that violated Swedish airspace earlier this month were equipped with
nuclear weapons, it has emerged. 
The flyover near the island of Gotland on March 2 was a deliberate act designed to intimidate Sweden, according to Swedish news channel TV4 Nyheterna.   
A total of four planes had taken off from the Russian air base of Kaliningrad." DM

Ukrainian Su-24 Jet Downed During Air Combat Near Belarusian Border

"Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov has said that the Russian military has shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-24 plane. Russian air defence systems destroyed 10 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of Izyum, Novaya Kakhovka, Donetsk, Nikolaev, Berdyansk, Gorlovka, Lugansk and Rubizhnoe in a day." Sputnik

No Breakthroughs From Talks, Limited Russian Pullback Near Kiev Amid "Colossal Attack" On Chernihiv

"Russian attacks and shelling have reportedly continued near Kiev and the Chernihiv,
following Tuesday's Kremlin declaration that it would draw down some units in these areas coming off negotiations with Ukraine in Istanbul, something met with skepticism by NATO and the Pentagon.
The Kremlin further cited "no breakthroughs" from the talks after a draft ceasefire deal was said to be on the table, and amid generally positive international headlines and market reaction. A statement said additionally that "much work remains". ZeroHedge

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Ukrainian Soldiers Film Themselves Calling Up Mothers of Russian Soldiers Killed in Action And Mocking Them

"Footage posted to Twitter shows what appears to be Ukrainian soldiers calling up the mothers
of dead Russian soldiers killed in action and mocking them over their loss.
Yes, really.
The Ukrainian appeared to be using the phone that belonged to the dead Russian to call his mother.
An alleged neo-nazi Azov Battalion member named Ivan Zaliznyak uploaded the video and five others to his Telegram channel." SN

New Zealand ‘Gravely Concerned’ by Chinese Military Deal with Solomon Islands

"New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told Radio New Zealand (RNZ) on Monday her
government was “gravely” concerned by the Solomon Islands’ recent confirmation it signed a security pact with China.
The government of the Solomon Islands announced on March 25 it finalized a military agreement with Beijing. What appeared to be a draft of the pact allegedly leaked online on March 25 and was referenced by RNZ on March 28 when the public broadcaster interviewed Ardern." Breitbart

Ukraine appears to strike back for first time with missile hit on Russian military camp

"Ukrainian forces may have struck back inside Russia on Tuesday with their first significant
A Ukrainian missile appeared to have hit a temporary Russian military encampment outside Belgorod, in Russia’s village of Krasny Oktyabr, about 40 miles from the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv,  said the Russian state-run news agency Tass." NYP

Armenia Seeks Russia Aid in Nagorno-Karabakh Flare-up

"Armenia urged Moscow on Monday to remove Azerbaijan’s troops from an area of Nagorno-
Karabakh policed by
Russian peacekeepers in the latest flare-up of a bitter territorial dispute in Russia’s backyard.  Armenia’s Foreign Ministry rejected Russian claims of a full withdrawal by Azerbaijan troops from a village in Nagorno-Karabakh, a largely Armenian-populated territory that’s recognized internationally as part of Azerbaijan. They also called for an investigation into the actions of Russian peacekeepers." MT

Russian Strike Hits Government Building in Mykolaiv

"A Russian strike battered the regional government building in the southern Ukrainian city of
Mykolaiv, a key port under heavy assault for weeks, the regional governor said on Tuesday.
"The regional administration building was hit," governor Vitaly Kim wrote on Facebook. He said that most people inside the building had not been injured but several civilians and soldiers were unaccounted for." MT

Russia Says Military Will Reduce Operations Around Kiev & Chernihiv After Positive Ceasefire Talks

"As the first statements coming off now concluded for the day Russia-Ukraine ceasefire talks
trickle out, both Interfax and Reuters are reporting the potential for a major breakthrough, as Russia's Defense Ministry has said it's seeking to create conditions for dialogue towards halting military activity around the capital of Kiev and major northern city of Chernihiv.
The New York Times suggests this possible overture comes as Russian forces are facing stiff resistance near the capital, as also yesterday Ukraine said it retook the major Kiev suburb of Irpin. "Diplomats from Ukraine and Russia were discussing a possible cease-fire on Tuesday at talks in Turkey, an effort that comes as a Ukrainian counteroffensive pushed back Russian forces in a hard-fought area near Kyiv, the capital," NY Times writes." NYP

Bodies of Tortured Civilians With Carved Out Swastikas Found in Mariupol Basements

"Forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), with support from Russian troops, are
currently fighting remnants of the Azov nationalist battalion in Mariupol.
The DPR has already seized control of the city’s suburbs and reportedly found a black site prison belonging to the nationalists at the airport.
The bodies of victims of Ukrainian nationalists have been found in the basements of buildings in Mariupol, some of them severely mutilated, the Russian Defence Ministry has reported.
The ministry clarified that the basements were previously occupied by Ukrainian nationalist forces.”Corpses of civilians were found with signs of inhuman torture. Neo-Nazi symbols and swastikas were carved on their bodies”, the ministry said." IW

‘Dirty bomb’ ingredients go missing from Russian-occupied Chernobyl lab

"Radioactive ingredients that could be used in the making of a dirty bomb have gone missing
from a Chernobyl monitoring lab.
The Russian-occupied nuclear power plant and disaster zone was occupied by Russian forces at the start of March and since then a flurry of issues have hit the site." DailyStar

Monday, March 28, 2022

Ukraine retakes Irpin town near Kyiv

"The mayor of Irpin, near Kyiv, said on Monday Ukrainian forces had seized back full control of the town which has been one of the main hotspots of fighting with Russian troops near the capital." Reuters

Ukraine officials in Russia peace talks possibly poisoned

"Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and several Ukrainian officials were apparently poisoned while
negotiating an end to Moscow’s invasion at a meeting where they were only served water and chocolate, according to reports Monday.
Abramovich, who accepted a Ukrainian request to help deescalate the warfare, and at least two senior members involved in negotiations suffered from peeling skin on their faces and hands, constant and painful tearing, and red eyes following a meeting in Kyiv earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported.
People became totally blind . . . the next day,” a source close to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told the newspaper. The suspected poisoning occurred after Abramovich and Umerov took part in the negotiations opposite another Russian businessman on March 3, according to Bellingcat." NYP

Ukrainian city of Mariupol ‘in the hands of the occupiers’: mayor

"Russian forces are in control of large swaths of Mariupol after weeks of siege and
bombardment, the city’s mayor Monday.
Not everything is in our power,” Mayor Vadym Boichenko told CNN Monday. “Unfortunately, we are in the hands of the occupiers today.
Boichenko said fewer than half of the city’s peacetime residents remained." NYP

Reporters Hammer Biden Over Russian 'Regime Change' Comment At Budget Press Briefing

"After unveiling his 2023 budget proposal, the first questions asked of President Biden during Monday's press briefing had nothing to do with the budget, but instead focused on his comments over the weekend about how Russian President Putin "cannot remain in power".
Biden insisted that he "wasn't walking anything back" (of course, he has let his aids and his Secretary of State do that for him), while insisting that his comments wouldn't "escalate" the conflict.
"I was expressing my outrage, he shouldn't remain in power...bad people shouldn't be allowed to continue to do bad things. But that doesn't mean we have the policy to remove him," Biden insisted.
 Fox News' Steve Doocy then pressed Biden about his remarks about boots on the ground in Ukraine, chemical weapons and regime change, asking what it says about the president's credibility that his comments keep getting walked back. Biden responded with outright denial, which probably only served to underscore Doocy's point in the eyes of the public." ZeroHedge

Russian soldier allegedly surrenders tank for $10K, Ukrainian citizenship

"A Russian soldier allegedly surrendered his tank to Ukraine, claiming his military bosses’
war campaign was too “chaotic” and that he’d rather take up the Ukrainians’ offer for resettlement than continue fighting.
The soldier will eventually receive $10,000, a comfortable place to live and a chance to apply for citizenship, a Ukrainian official said." NYP

Selective Service Is Hinting That This Could Be Coming Soon

"The Selective Service sent out an alarming tweet this week that has many users on Twitter
speculating that a US Draft will occur in the near future. The tweet from the Selective Service that has many young men alarmed stated “In the event of a draft, our agency would partner with FEMA
to provide opportunities to conscientious objectors to ensure our nation keeps moving forward”. TP

Ukrainian soldiers shoot Russian prisoners of war in the legs and afterwards give them a severe beating

"Ukrainian soldiers shoot Russian prisoners of war in the legs and afterwards give them a
severe beating. At the beginning of the video, there are Russian POWs lying on the ground with bullet wounds in their legs, some of them have got leg bones broken."

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Pope Evokes Specter of Ukraine War Sparking Global Conflict

"The threat of a global conflict spawned by Russia's invasion of Ukraine should convince
everyone that the time has come for humanity to abolish war before it abolishes humanity, Pope Francis said on Sunday.
"More than a month has passed since the invasion of Ukraine, since the start of this cruel and senseless war, which, like every war, is a defeat for everyone, for all of us," he said to thousands of people in St. Peter's Square for his Sunday blessing.
"We must repudiate war, a place of death where fathers and mothers bury their children, where men kill their brothers without even seeing them, where the powerful decide and the poor die," he said.
The war in Ukraine was destroying the country's future, he said, citing a statistic that half of the country's children had to flee the country.
"That is the bestiality of war, something that is barbarous and sacrilegious," he said, urging his listeners not to consider war as inevitable or something to get used to.
"If we emerge from this (war) the same as we were before, we will all be in some way guilty. Faced with the danger of self-destruction, humanity must understand that the time has come to abolish war, to cancel it from the history of man before it cancels man from history," he said.
Since Russia invaded its neighbor on Feb. 24, Francis has several times spoken of a possible nuclear conflict.
"I beg every politician involved to reflect on this, to make a commitment, and, looking at martyred Ukraine, to understand that every day of war worsens the situation for everyone," he said.
"Enough! Stop! Let the weapons fall silent. Negotiate seriously for peace," he said." Newsmax

Another Russian General Reportedly Killed in Ukraine

 "A Russian general who bragged before the war began that it would be over in hours was
killed on the 29th day of combat in Ukraine, highlighting the increasing danger to Russian officers in the conflict.
 Lt. Gen. Yakov Rezantsev is reportedly the seventh Russian general to die amid the country’s invasion of Ukraine and the second general officer of his rank. It’s not clear why so many Russian generals are dying in combat. Some military analysts speculate that Russia’s conscript army is reluctant to move forward and engage the enemy, prompting some generals to take the initiative and lead their men into combat." PJM

Russian Defence Minister Reappears After 2-week Absence

"Russia's defence minister Sergei Shoigu reappeared on television images broadcast after his two-week absence from view prompted questions from journalists.
The defence ministry published a video showing Shoigu, an ally of President Vladimir Putin, chairing a meeting on Russia's weapons budget....Kremlin referred to a conversation between the minister and Putin on the occasion of a report on developments of the "special military operation" at a meeting of the Russian security council, brushing aside speculation about Shoigu's prolonged absence." MT

German States Outlaw Display of Russia's 'Z' War Symbol

"Two German states on Saturday said they have outlawed public displays of the "Z" symbol
used by the Russian army in their invasion of Ukraine.
Anyone who brandishes the symbol at demonstrations or paints it on cars or buildings in a show of support for Vladimir Putin's war could risk up to three years in jail or a fine in Lower Saxony or Bavaria." MT

Chinese drone maker says can't stop Russia from using its tech in Ukraine

"Ukraine is calling on a big-name Chinese maker of drones to block what Ukrainian officials
say is the Russian military's use of its technology to coordinate missile attacks. However, the company, which has been sanctioned by the U.S. and placed on a blacklist, says it can't disable its drones and has limited options to heed Kyiv's appeals for help." JN

Biden’s Putin speech in Poland is a catastrophe

 "He came, he saw, he confused. This was at least the fourth time on the three-day trip that
something Biden said had to be walked back, cleaned up, clarified or refuted. 

Joe Biden’s call-to-arms speech in Poland was long on soaring rhetoric about the virtues of democracy but woefully short on what more the West will do to help Ukraine defeat the Russian invasion. But by the time he got to the finish, most of that was forgotten. 
What mattered most and what will be remembered for a long time was a single line the president of the United States said about the president of Russia: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” 
In the context of the speech and the slaughter of Ukrainian civilians, it’s impossible to understand that line as anything other than a call for regime change, a move that would dramatically raise the stakes with Russia at a time when Biden has been at pains to lower them. 
It also raises the question of whether toppling Putin, a subject never before mentioned by the White House, is suddenly the new policy of the United States and NATO
Ah, no. 
Shortly after the speech, a Biden aide told pool reporters that “the president’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.” 
No, American troops in Poland are not headed to Ukraine, despite what Biden told them." NYP

Macron Warns Against 'Escalation' After Biden Brands Putin 'Butcher'

"France's President Emmanuel Macron warned Sunday against a verbal "escalation" of Russia's invasion in Ukraine, after US President Joe Biden branded Vladimir Putin a "butcher" who "cannot remain in power".
The Kremlin had reacted in fury over Biden's comments which it said narrows the window for bilateral relations, with Russia's invasion of Ukraine now into a second month.
Macron said he would speak to Putin in the next two days to organise the evacuation of civilians from the heavily bombarded port city of Mariupol." Newsmax

Japan’s PM Kishida See Increasing Chance of Russia Using Nuclear Weapons

"Japan’s PM Kishida See Increasing Chance of Russia Using Nuclear Weapons....." PP

Lugansk People's Republic May Hold Referendum on Joining Russia Soon

"The LPR militia previously reclaimed most of the territory of the republic, forcing out
Ukrainian troops and liberating settlements after an eight-year war waged by Kiev there.
The head of the Lugansk People's Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, stated on Sunday that a referendum on joining Russia may be held in the republic." Sputnik

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Ukrainian Buk Explodes in Flames After Russian Military Hits It With Iskander Missile

"The Russian Defence Ministry has published a video of the military destroying a Ukrainian
Buk air defence system with an Iskander short-range ballistic missile near Kiev. The clip shows the Buk explode in a massive blast, with fire and smoke engulfing the area while parts of the system scatter around." Sputnik

Ukraine claims that Russia is using white phosphorus

"Ukraine’s president has accused invading Russian forces of using white phosphorus, a
controversial chemical substance that can cause severe and indiscriminate harm to civilians.
This morning, by the way, there were phosphorus bombs. Phosphorus Russian bombs. Adults were killed again and children were killed again,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said during a virtual address to NATO leaders on Thursday, as the military alliance held an emergency summit on Russia’s war in Ukraine." MSN

Daily Mail Drops Hunter Biden Emails Linking Him To Ukraine Biolab Funding

"Emails from Hunter Biden's notorious laptop reveal that the first son helped secure millions of dollars for a DoD contractor - Metabiota - which specializes in researching pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons, according to the Daily Mail, which obtained Hunter's emails.
 The commander of the Russian Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Forces, claimed there was a 'scheme of interaction between US government agencies and Ukrainian biological objects' and pointed to the 'financing of such activities by structures close to the current US leadership, in particular the investment fund Rosemont Seneca, which is headed by Hunter Biden.' -Daily Mail
Hunter also appears to have introduced Metabiota to Burisma for a "science project," ostensibly involving biosecurity labs in Ukraine.
On its face, Metabiota appears to be a simple medical data company - however a 2014 email from its Vice President to Hunter described how they could 'assert Ukraine's cultural and economic independence from Russia' - an odd goal for a biotech firm at the time Hunter's Dad was US point-man for Ukraine's 'reconstruction' involving the Obama administration.? ZH

White House Rushes to Clarify Joe Biden Call to Remove Vladimir Putin from Power

"The White House moved quickly to clarify President Joe Biden’s comment about removing
Russian President Vladimir Putin from power in a dramatic speech in Warsaw, Poland.
For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden cried out as he finished his speech. “God bless you all and may God defend our freedom.
It was unclear whether or not Biden’s comment was part of his prepared text.
But the White House soon released a statement to reporters questioning Biden’s apparent call for regime change.
The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region,” a statement attributed to a senior White House official read. “He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.
This is the third time the White House has had to clarify Biden’s remarks during his trip to Europe." Breitbart

Friday, March 25, 2022

Aussie Commentator Calls For Solomon Islands to Be Invaded Over Security Deal With China

"An Australian commentator has called upon Canberra to “invade” the Solomon Islands
before the Pacific nation seals its security agreement with China. “There is no way that Australia can allow this deal to proceed,” David Llewellyn-Smith, founding publisher and editor of MacroBusiness, wrote in a column published on Friday.
The bilateral “security cooperation” pact in question envisages Chinese vessels carrying out “logistical replenishments”, “stopovers” and “transition” in the Pacific nation, according to a leaked draft of the security agreement.
It also states that “relevant forces of China can be used to protect the safety of Chinese personnel and major projects” on the Solomon Islands." Sputnik

Biden AGAIN Admits Sanctions Don’t Work After Announcing More Sanctions

"Biden announced more sanctions against Russia before telling a reporter than he never said
sanctions would work.
Biden announced that Russian lawmakers and defence companies should “share the pain” of sanctions: Biden snapped at a reporter who stated “Sir, deterrence didn’t work,” and further asked “What makes you think Vladimir Putin will alter course based on the action you’ve taken today?”
Let’s get something straight. Do you remember, if you covered me from the very beginning, I did not say that, in fact, the sanctions would deter him,” Biden sniped back.
He added, “Sanctions never deter. You keep talking about that. Sanctions never deter. The maintenance of sanctions, the maintenance of sanctions, the increasing the pain, and the demonstration why I asked for this NATO meeting today is to be sure that after a month, we will sustain what we’re doing, not just next month, the following month, but for the remainder of this entire year. That’s what will stop him.
You believe the actions today will have an impact on making Russia change course in Ukraine?” the reporter further inquired.
That’s not what I said. You’re playing a game with me,” Biden blasted back “I know. The answer is no. I think what happens is we have to demonstrate — the purpose, the single most important thing is for us to stay unified, and the world continue to focus on what a brute this guy is.” SummitNews

Biden Tells 82nd Airborne They’re Going to Ukraine: ‘You’re Going to See When You’re There’

"President Biden addressed soldiers in the Army’s 82nd Airborne while in Poland and made a concerning statement implying they would be going to Ukraine.
 “You’re going to see when you’re there, you’re going to see women, young people standing in the middle, in the front of a damn tank saying ‘I’m not leaving,’ I’m holding my ground. They’re incredible.
The Department of Defense has not announced ground operations for U.S. troops in Ukraine, which would be a major escalation that could risk a regional war with Russia, if not threaten the potential for World War III." TP

Russia Signals It Will Limit Scope To "Complete Liberation Of Donbas" - Says "No Progress" In Talks

"In what's looking like a hugely significant first sign that Russia could be pulling back on the
scope of its Ukraine operations, Bloomberg reports Friday that the Kremlin may be limiting its key military objectives to taking full control over the Donbas region. This despite multiple parts of the county, including outside the capital of Kiev, still witnessing intense fighting and shelling." ZeroHedge

Ukrainian Forces Advance East of Kyiv as Russians Fall Back

"Ukrainian troops are recapturing towns east of the capital Kyiv and Russian forces who had
been trying to seize the city are falling back on their overextended supply lines."

Erdogan Rejects the Idea of Handing Russia's S-400s Over to Ukraine: 'Matter is Closed'

"A number of media outlets previously reported that Washington had asked Ankara to deliver
Russian-made S-400 missile defence systems to Kiev in order to help Ukrainian forces fight Russian troops amid Moscow's ongoing special operation.
The matter of S-400 deliveries to Ukraine is closed, since the missile systems are Turkey's property and ensure the country's security, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday." Sputnik

Russia Destroys Major Fuel Depot Outside of Kiev

 "Russian forces have advanced four more kilometres into Ukrainian territory and took control
of the following settlements: Batmanka, Mikhailovka, Krasny Partizan, Stavki, and Troitskoye.
Ukraine's major fuel depot Kalinovka outside Kiev was destroyed by Russian 'Kalibr' missiles on Thursday evening, the ministry added.
Currently, the Russian army is carrying out an offensive against Ukraine's 25th air forces' battalion.
On Friday morning, Ukrainian forces fired five 122mm mortars at the Kirov district of Donetsk and ten 122mm mortars at the Donetsky settlement in the Lugansk People's Republic, a spokesperson for the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination on Ceasefire said." Sputnik

Uranium, oil and technology: How Russia got stronger as Bidens and Clintons got richer

"Putin's spoils were measured in billions of dollars in uranium contracts with U.S. utilities, expanded oil imports and transfers of sensitive technologies.
The American dynasties counted their victories in millions of dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation, speech fees to Bill Clinton, and lucrative board seats and consulting deals for Hunter Biden.
The appeasement policy began in February 2009. Russia had invaded its neighbor and former client state, Georgia, six months earlier. The lame-duck George W. Bush administration planned to put missile defense structures in Eastern Europe to deter Russian aggression against its neighbors. 
But one of the Obama-Biden administration's first foreign policy maneuvers was to cancel that plan via a "secret letter" to Putin's placeholder, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Why? U.S. leaders apparently wanted to make deals with Russia, and giant missile silos in Putin's backyard were a nonstarter for Moscow.
But the canceled missile defense in Eastern Europe was only the beginning in a long line of concessions to Russia that not only emboldened Putin, but advanced Russian military capabilities in ways that are now having deadly consequences for Ukrainian civilians (think hypersonic missiles) while threatening the global economy.
By 2010, the Obama-Biden-Clinton Russian reset was in full swing. The administration put forth a mutual nuclear disarmament treaty known as "New START," which, while noble in its declared intentions, risked weakening a compliant partner such as the United States while strengthening a Russia not constrained by the rules.
Another deal that Obama, Biden, and Clinton gave the Russians was called the "123 Agreement," which allowed state-owned Russian entities like nuclear behemoth Rosatom to sell nuclear materials directly to U.S. utility companies.
This deal continues to pay huge dividends to the Obama Foundation's top donor, Chicago-based Exelon Corporation. And President Biden has allowed that deal to survive even during the Ukraine war, exempting nuclear fuel sales to U.S. utilities from his recent sanctions targeting Russian energy imports.
Meanwhile, the U.S.-driven 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, and other so-called denuclearization efforts with Libya and North Korea, effectively sent hundreds of thousands of tons of uranium to Russia for enrichment — a huge cash and energy windfall for Putin.

On top of these nuclear handouts, the Obama-Biden-Clinton team gave Russia one of the biggest prizes of all: Uranium One.

Before the Russian takeover, Uranium One was a Canadian company that mined Uranium around the world. It had assets on at least three continents — Eurasia, Africa, and North America. Its assets in Wyoming, Utah, and other states constituted approximately 20% of U.S. uranium capacity and meant that the Obama-Biden Committee of Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS) would have to sign off on the deal. They could have said no, but the deal was approved.
Investors in the deal had funneled $145 million into Secretary Clinton's family foundation. Its approval helped to give Russia a near-monopoly on global uranium production.
After investigative reporter and author Peter Schweizer broke the Uranium One story in 2015, a State Department under secretary, Jose Fernandez, took the blame. Fernandez later landed a "very rewarding" position at the Clinton-connected Center for American Progress. Fernandez has now come back through the revolving door and is a top official in the Biden State Department.
But Clinton's State Department was not the only Obama-Biden department that extended an advantage to Putin
Eric Holder's Department of Justice swept Russian crimes under the rug — not wanting to disrupt the Russian reset. So, the Russian spy ring known as the "Illegals Program," which had penetrated the highest levels of American politics and finance, just went away. Biden said he did not want to create "a flap."
Perhaps the worst of all the Obama-Biden-Clinton giveaways to Putin was known as the Skolkovo initiative. Skolkovo, in suburban Moscow, was the site of Russia's attempt to create its own Silicon Valley. The Clinton State Department heavily promoted the effort. As it happens, Clinton's Big Tech donors comprised 17 of the 28 American partners in Skolkovo.
In reality, Skolkovo was a cyber-warfare tech hub and a thinly-veiled cover for corporate espionage and military build-up. 
A 2012 U.S. Army report put it this way: "Skolkovo is arguably an overt alternative to clandestine industrial espionage — with the additional distinction that it can achieve such a transfer on a much larger scale and more efficiently … [Skolkovo] has, in fact, been involved in defense-related activities since December 2011, when it approved the first weapons-related project — the development of a hypersonic cruise missile engine."
So Obama, Biden, and Clinton helped Russia secure innovative technology and weaponry — including hypersonic missiles — that are now, according to the U.S. Air Force, more advanced than America's similar weapons. The Russian missiles have now allegedly been used in the assault on Ukraine.
But Obama, Clinton, and Biden got a lot. As just one example, before Obama even left office in 2017, he set up the Obama Foundation. One of his very first donors was Exelon Corporation, which had received billions in cheap Russian nuclear fuel sales thanks to the 123 Agreement. Exelon, which was known as "the President's Utility" pledged a staggering $10 million to Obama's foundation before he was even out of office.
Biden's family and its partners got hooked up with the former mayor of Moscow's family, who sent at least $3.5 million to a company cofounded by Hunter Biden. Thanks to the Hunter Biden laptop, we know that the Russian oligarch behind that $3.5 million may have invested upwards of $200 million in other Biden-linked entities and that Joe Biden personally benefited from his son's business dealings. And this is all before Biden was named Obama's point man in Ukraine.
As mentioned, the Clinton Foundation got the $145 million in donations from Uranium One investors. On top of that, the Clintons got $500,000 in the form of a "speaking fee" from a Kremlin-backed bank for Bill Clinton's 2010 speech in Moscow. They also got Skolkovo-linked donations from now-sanctioned Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, directly, and indirectly from his varied interests." JN