Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Biden lost ‘vital leverage’ over Putin by allowing Nord Stream pipeline to move forward: Kristi Noem

"We have lost our ability to counter Russian energy policy because we are significantly
weakened from an energy production standpoint
,’ stated South Dakota’s Kristi Noem.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, whose state sustained immense financial damages when Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline project that would have crossed its rolling plains, said that was one of two catastrophic moves by Biden that gave Putin the tools to invade Ukraine.
Biden’s twin pipeline decision failures created the pathway for Putin’s deadly attacks.

When it comes to both foreign policy and his liberal energy agenda, President Joe Biden has embarrassed our nation. I can sum up President Biden’s incompetence in these areas with one simple story: a tale of two pipelines,” she wrote.

On one hand, Biden blocked the crucial Keystone XL Pipeline, signaling to the world that American energy independence is no longer a priority. On the other hand, he green-lit the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, strengthening Russia’s energy hold on Europe. And in the process, he gave Russia the leverage to create the crisis that we are witnessing unfold in Ukraine.

Biden did perform a flip-flop on Nord Stream 2, moving to restore sanctions in recent days even as the Russia military took aim at Ukrainian targets." Lifesite

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