Monday, March 21, 2022

Putin Finds Some Unlikely Allies in the United States Congress

"Everyone knows that The Squad in the House of Representatives is so far to the Left as to make Stalin look like a John Bircher, but would they go so far as to cheerlead for a former KGB man’s war of aggression? It looks as if the answer is yes.... the New York Post reported Saturday that “comrades in ‘The Squad’ have bent over backwards in the House of Representatives to defend Vladimir Putin, voting against sanctions on Russian oil and parroting Kremlin talking points.
For at least one of the far-Left Squad members, the winsome and patriotic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu), this may represent a hard-headed business decision: Omar “has family with business interests in Russia and its oil industry. Omar’s father, Nur Omar Mohamed, was a colonel in the Somali army during the 1970s and 1980s under the Soviet-backed regime of dictator Siad Barre. During that time he received a military education in the Soviet Union, according to an obituary.PJM

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