Monday, March 21, 2022

U.S. Sending Soviet Anti-Air Defense Systems To Ukraine That Were "Secretly Acquired"

"Greater escalation is in the air as two nuclear-armed superpowers continue stumbling toward
a hugely alarming WWIII scenario as the Russian invasion of Ukraine reaches almost a full month. The Wall Street Journal on Monday has cited US defense officials who say Washington is covertly sending Soviet-made air defense equipment to Ukraine to help repel Russian air power. It seems this is the Biden administration's 'alternative' to directly imposing a no-fly zone, yet it's still a step in that direction. But given the fact that these systems might go all the way back to the 1960's or 70's - and perhaps more appropriately belong in a museum in some midwest town - it could be more of a symbolic step to appease the hawks without really doing anything too severely escalatory." ZH

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