Friday, April 29, 2022

European Commission VP Tells People to ‘Support Ukraine’ by Taking Fewer Showers & Not Washing Their Clothes

"The vice-president of the European Commission suggested citizens should ‘support Ukraine
and the embargoes on Russia by taking fewer showers, not driving cars, and airing their clothes instead of washing them.
Yes, really.
Frans Timmermans, the Dutch vice-president of the bloc’s executive body, made the remarks during a meeting of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee.
According to Timmermans, Europeans must “Heat less, ride a bike and ventilate your clothes instead of washing,” in order to support punitive measures against Russia that have exacerbated a cost of living crisis for hundreds of millions of people in the west.
The technocrat, who personally doesn’t really need to worry too much about soaring energy costs given his $250,000 a year salary, urged “fellow citizens that they too could do something to move less money into Putin’s pocket.IW

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