Friday, April 29, 2022

'Really Have to Think About It': Captured UK Mercenary Tells Brits Not to Join Fighting in Ukraine

"Following the start of the Russian special military operation, Kiev's regime called on
foreigners to come to Ukraine to fight on its side against the Russian military. Moscow believes that at least 7,000 mercenaries from over 60 countries have answered the call and advised states to prevent their citizens from travelling to Ukraine.
A British mercenary who was injured and captured by the Russian military in Ukraine has advised his compatriots to think twice before answering Kiev's call to join the foreign legion as he responded to questions on footage released by the Russian Defence Ministry.
 "You really have to think about it […] It does not involve us", a mercenary named Andrew Hill said while responding to a question as to what he would tell his compatriots regarding the idea of joining the Ukrainian forces." Sputnik

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