Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Firefights Break Out As Azov Fighters Briefly Emerge From Steel Plant

"Fierce fighting broke out Tuesday in the largely Russian-controlled southeast city of
Mariupol, where for nearly two months some 2,000 Ukrainian Azov fighters and up to hundreds of civilians have been holed up in the gigantic and cavernous Azovstal steel plant, completely surrounded by Russian forces.
After repeatedly demanding the Azov militants lay down their arms and come out, it's believed to be only a matter of time before a final battle, given those trapped inside and underground are said to be running low on food and water, and also crucial ammo. An commander with the neo-Nazi Azov regiment told CNN, "Since the morning, the enemy has been trying to assault the Azovstal plant with significant forces using armored vehicles. Our soldiers bravely repel all attacks" - and confirmed that Azovstal "is now being assaulted." ZH

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