Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Hunter Had Meetings With Russian Oligarch Close to Putin and Sanctioned by UK, Australia (but Not Biden)

"Hunter had multiple meetings and business dealings with a Russian oligarch who was close to Vladimir Putin: Vladimir Yevtushenkov. Hunter and his partners were trying to court Yevtushenkov to invest in their real estate company in 2012 and 2013. Hunter met with him in Moscow for dinner at his company Sistema on February 16, 2012. Journalist Vicky Ward allegedly has further calendar entries from Sistema that indicate Yetushenkov thereafter met with Hunter Biden in New York on March 14 at the Ritz-Carlton and then had another breakfast with Rosemont Realty on March 15 in Texas.
Hunter Biden’s partner, Devon Archer, said in emails that they had more meetings with Yevtushenkov.
Yevtushenkov owns a company that allegedly provides drones that are being used to bomb Ukraine and used to own a Russian defense contractor. On top of that, Yevtushenkov has now been sanctioned by the U.K and Australia. But he hasn’t been sanctioned by the Biden Administration." RS

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