Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Ukrainian officials accused of stealing trainloads of aid

"Ukrainian officials in the eastern Zaporozhye Region are being investigated for allegedly
stealing massive amounts of humanitarian aid sent to them. They are accused of looting hundreds of freight cars’ worth of goods. The raids targeted the Kiev-appointed administration and members of the city council, according to the SBU and NABU. The agencies also reported confiscating what they believe to be narcotics and illegal firearms while searching the premises." RT

Ukraine Outraged Turkey Opened Straits For Russian Ship Carrying S-300 SystemUkraine Outraged Turkey Opened Straits For Russian Ship Carrying S-300 System

"Ukraine has voiced its anger with Turkey over allegedly allowing a Russian cargo ship
through the Bosphorus Strait laden with weapons days ago, summoning the Turkish ambassador to lodge a formal complaint.  
The Ukrainian foreign ministry complained that a Russian "warship" was allowed passage in violation of the Montreux Convention - as the diplomatic note verbalized to Turkey 's ambassador to Ukraine Yagmur Ahmet Guldere said." ZH

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ukraine targets possible IAEA route to Zaporozhye

"Ukrainian forces are shelling a route that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
inspection mission could take to reach the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant this week." RT

US Embassy Anti-Air Defenses Activated Over Baghdad As Death Toll Rises In Night Of Chaos

 "The American embassy in Baghdad has reportedly engaged inbound rocket attacks with its
air defense system, the C-RAM which protects aerial threats against the Green Zone. Some reports suggest the streets have finally grown calmer in the early morning hours (local time), but this is after an evening and overnight death toll of at least 15, including unconfirmed reports of police casualties. AFP citing local medical sources also says some 350 protesters were injured. " ZH

Turkey Says Greek Missiles Locked On Its F-16s Over Mediterranean

"Greece’s Russian-made S-300 air defense systems stationed on the island of Crete locked
onto Turkish fighter jets as they crossed international airspace over the Mediterranean
Turkish ’s Defense Ministry claimed, amid mounting tensions between the two NATO states." ZH

Monday, August 29, 2022

Zelensky promises to recapture Donbass

"Zelensky said in his daily evening address on Sunday that Ukraine will recapture Donbass,
which is now almost fully seized by Russian forces. 
“We have not forgotten and will not forget any of our cities and any of our people,” he said. " RT

Iraq Presidential Palace Stormed, U.S. Embassy Helicopter Evacuation

"The Iraq presidential palace was stormed by angry protestors on Monday, while the U.S.
Embassy was evacuated by helicopter in a scene reminiscent of the last days of South Vietnam.
Initial reports are that the helicopters were ordered in and the staff ordered out when rioters breached the Zone. I also saw a report that one person had been shot and killed, but no clue whether they were American, American staff, or a rioter.
That’s pretty much all we know so far about the situation at the embassy.
This marks the Biden Administration’s second humiliating bugout from an Islamic country in just over a year. 13 Americans were killed in Kabul during Biden’s botched retreat from Afghanistan on August 17. Untold hundreds of Americans and thousands of our allies remain stranded there." PJM

Russia manages to transport S-300 missiles through Bosporus from its bases in Syria

"Russia has managed to transfer missiles for the S-300 air defense complex through the
Bosporus to the Black Sea from its bases in Syria.
It is noted that Turkey has closed the Bosporus to warships, so Russia cannot transfer its warships from the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea.
The merchant ship Sparta II crossed the strait.
Sparta II's destination was Novorossiysk, a Russian port and major naval base near the Kerch Bridge. Naval News writes that the S-300 missiles should strengthen the Russian "defense" near Kerch or in other areas." UkrainianNews

CIA Admits to Losing Dozens of Intelligence Assets Around the World

"Top American counterintelligence officials sent a memo that warned every CIA station
around the world about a troubling number of intelligence assets who had been killed, disappeared, or captured in recent years. The memo actually gave a specific number of agents — a highly unusual inclusion but one that demonstrates the seriousness of the situation......The large number of compromised informants in recent years also demonstrated the growing prowess of other countries in employing innovations like biometric scans, facial recognition, artificial intelligence and hacking tools to track the movements of C.I.A. officers in order to discover their sources." PJMedia



Ukrainian drone downed over nuclear plant

"Russian forces shot down a Ukrainian drone that was apparently on a mission to strike the
Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the Russian military said on Monday.
The drone was shot down by small arms fire and fell on the roof of one of the buildings at the nuclear site, the Russian Defense Ministry said during a daily briefing. The building in question serves as storage for nuclear fuel and waste, it said. The crash didn’t cause any significant damage." RT

Global Markets Tumble As Central Bankers Plan To Push World Into Coordinated Recession

"Market sentiment has only deteriorated after Friday's sharp post-Powell/ECB dump, and
investors started the week with the bear market rally in tatters after the world’s biggest central banks huddled around a simple message in Jackson Hole this weekend: they are ready to fight runaway inflation with higher interest rates, even if it does some damage. 
Powell quashed the idea of an early dovish Fed pivot (ensuring a much more forceful one later once all EMs fully blow up on the back of the soaring USD) and also said on Friday that the road ahead will “bring some pain to households and businesses” in the US, an “unfortunate cost of bringing down inflation” while ECB's Isabel Schnabel said she and her colleagues had “little choice” but to continue tightening even if Europe’s economy tips into recession." ZeroHedge

Russian who burned passport in Bulgaria over Ukraine war wins appeal against extradition

"A court in Bulgaria has today stopped the extradition of a Russian who burned his passport in protest at Moscow's war in Ukraine.
Alexey Alchin won his appeal against being sent back to Russia on what he claims are trumped-up tax evasion charges." EuroNews

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Rewriting History, Putin Pitches Russia as Defender of an Expanding Motherland

"Putin pitched Moscow as a defender of its historical motherland on a crusade to protect
Russians and Russian speakers from “genocide” as he justified the dramatic decision to
recognize the independence of pro-Russian separatsts in Eastern Ukraine late on Monday.
In an hour-long emotional, and occasionally angry, address to the nation, Putin outlined his interpretation of Ukrainian history and what he sees as persecution of Russians in the Donbas, concluding that he was left with no choice but to recognize the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states.
The West acts as if there are no horrors and no genocide, to which almost four million people are being subjected,” Putin said in the closing remarks of his address, speaking from behind a desk in his office.
How long can this tragedy continue? How much longer can we stomach it?”
They are fighting for their basic rights — to live on their own land, to speak their own language, to preserve their culture and traditions,” he added, in reference to the Donbas residents." MT

China Answers Sen. Blackburn Visit By Buzzing Taiwan With 4 Nuclear-Capable Bombers

"Beijing has issued its response to anti-China hawk Sen. Marsha Blackburn visiting Taiwan on Thursday and Friday. It began with at least 35 PLA jets buzzing the island's airspace on Friday, including 8 Chinese Navy vessels patrolling off the island.
....Thomlinson reported "China sends four nuclear-capable bombers near Taiwan one day after Sen. Marsha Blackburn met Taiwan’s president in Taipei." ZeroHedge

Deadly Clashes In Tripoli May Signal Imminent Libyan Civil War

"Though Libya has been a disaster ever since Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama teamed up with NATO to facilitate regime change in 2011, the last two years have been relatively calm. That calm ended as combatants fired small arms, heavy machine guns, mortars and other heavy weapons. Explosions occurred in various sectors of Tripoli -- the country's capital -- and smoke drifted across the skyline.  
Two groups are contending for rule over Libya : The Government of National Unity (GNU), which is led by Abdulhamid al-Dbeibah, and a rival group led by Fathi Bashagha, the former interior minister. Bashagha has the support of Libya 's eastern parliament, which is based in Tobruk. In essence, this is a battle of two rival prime ministers and two rival governments...... fighting broke out when a convoy of Bashagha-backing militia was challenged by GNU forces. ... militia forces seemed to be closing in on the city from three directions. A witness says one of the convoys was 300 vehicles strong, but had turned back toward its Misrata base.........In Tripoli, the house of the commander of the an-Nawasi group, Mustafa Kaddoura, who supports Fathi Bashagha, was blown up. " ZH

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Pope Francis is latest subject of Ukraine’s fiery judgment

 ".....Pope Francis, addressing a congregation in the Vatican, mentionegd the death of Darya
Dugina, whose life was cut tragically short by a car bombing. ....But before uttering the name of the deceased Russian woman, the Pope acknowledged the innocent victims on both sides of the conflict......
“Whether they are Ukrainians or Russians … I think of so much cruelty, of the many innocents who are paying for the madness, the madness of all sides because war is madness,Pope Francis told his flock. “I think of the poor girl (Darya Dugina) who was blown up by a bomb under her car seat in Moscow. The innocent pay for the war.”.....Ukraine’s Vatican ambassador Andrey Yurash politicized the Pope’s words, saying it was impossible to call Dugina “innocent” when she – together with her prominent father, the political philosopher Aleksandr Dugin – advocated on behalf of Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine. " RT

Friday, August 26, 2022

Russian soldier defects, tells CBS News he and his comrades were "lied to," and soon realized Ukraine "war was wrong"

"Paratrooper Pavel Filatyev told Patta that he was so disgusted with the war that he defected
and decided to tell his story — despite it putting him at great personal risk.....
Patta asked the Russian soldier if he felt deceived.
"I know that we have been tricked for many years, and everything shown on [Russian] state TV has nothing to do with reality," he said. "Every person in Russia knows this. We have been lied to for many years and, unfortunately, now the same thing is happening in the war." CBS

Britain braces for a surge in energy prices as the war in Ukraine further stretches markets

"Energy prices paid by most British households are set to rise 80 percent this fall, the latest
economic blow to European consumers and businesses as the war in Ukraine stretches already tight markets for energy." WashingtonPost

Artillery hits Zaporozhye nuclear dump

"Four artillery projectiles fired from Ukrainian positions struck the fuel storage site of the
Zaporozhye nuclear power plant." RT

Russia responds to Zuckerberg’s FBI revelations

"The FBI and other US security agencies secretly control American social media giants,
Russia’s foreign ministry press director has alleged. The high-level official cited a recent interview by Mark Zuckerberg, in which the Facebook CEO supposedly acknowledged such influence. 
On Friday, spokesperson Maria Zakharova published a post on her Telegram channel devoted to Zuckerberg’s recent appearance on The Joe Rogan podcast. According to the Russian diplomat, Facebook’s first-in-command recounted how FBI operatives had visited him ahead of the 2020 US presidential elections, which ended in victory for Joe Biden, asking him to suppress stories revolving around the “unseemly contents” of Hunter Biden’s laptop on his platforms." RT

Germany's Scholz sets limit on weapons for Ukraine

 "Berlin will not provide Kiev with arms that could be used to attack Russia, the chancellor
says." RT

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Biden Rejects Urgent Phone Call from Israeli PM over Iran: ‘On Vacation’

"Israel Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s request to hold an emergency telephone conversation with
U.S. President Joe Biden to discuss the nascent nuclear deal with Iran has been rebuffed with the excuse that the American president “is on vacation,” Israeli media reported on Wednesday.
According to Israel’s Channel 13, Lapid sought to speak with Biden in an attempt to prevent a return to the 2015 JCPOA nuclear pact but U.S. officials denied the request, informing Lapid Bidenis on vacation.”
In another instance of American rejection, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz was set to meet with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday but was informed that the latter was “out of Washington,” the report said." Breitbart

IMAX Bans Russian Film Screenings Within Russia, Chain Owner Says

"IMAX has banned Russian cinemas from screening Russian movies within Russia after
leaving the country over its invasion of Ukraine, the head of a major cinema chain said Tuesday." MoscowTimes

American public changing mood on Ukraine - poll

"While 53% of US adults agree that Washington should continue to support Kiev “until all Russian forces are withdrawn from territory claimed by Ukraine,” 28% are undecided, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday. Doubts about continuing to pump weapons and other aid into Ukraine are especially prevalent among independents, at 37%, while 18% of Americans oppose the shipments altogether.
The survey suggests waning support for US involvement as the conflict drags on, contributing to surging inflation on the home front. In fact, 40% of Americans now agree with the statement that “the problems of Ukraine are none of our business, and we should not interfere.” That compares with 31% when the same question was asked in April.
Moreover, 59% of survey respondents, including 69% of Republicans, agree with the statement that “given the current economic crisis, the US cannot afford to lend financial support to Ukraine.” About half (51%) still support providing weapons to Ukraine, down from 73% in April. Just 26% support sending US troops to Ukraine, down from 39% in April." RT

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

22 reported killed in Independence Day attack in Ukraine

"Russian forces Wednesday launched a rocket attack on a Ukrainian train station on the
embattled country’s Independence Day, killing 22 people." AP

Biden Orders Airstrikes On 'Iran-Backed' Groups In Syria

"Biden ordered airstrikes on Iran-backed groups in Syria on Tuesday, following a series of  reported attacks on a remote US base in eastern Syria and which appeared to also target ground allies being trained by American special forces." ZH

Biden announces nearly $3bn in US military aid to Ukraine

"The United States has announced nearly $3bn in new military aid to Ukraine, with President
Joe Biden
saying the assistance aims to help the country defend against Russia’s invasion “over the long term” as the war entered its seventh month." AlJazeera

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Civilians ‘fleeing Kyiv amid fears of attack’; explosions reported across Dnipro

"Many civilians leaving Kyiv amid fear of Russian attack, says Zelenskiy adviser ... Dnipro mayor confirms explosions in the city." Guardian

Monday, August 22, 2022

Russian FSB Identifies Alleged Dugina Assassin

"The Russian Federal Security Service ("FSB") has claimed that the assassination of Dugina
was committed by a covert operative of Ukraine. The FSB has identified Natalia Vovk as the alleged assassin. "As a result of a complex of urgent operational-search measures, the Federal Security Service has solved the murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina, born in 1992," the FSB announced, going on to emphasize the culpibility of the Ukrainian government by stating that "the crime was prepared and committed by the Ukrainian special services[.]"
According to the FSB's investigation, Vovk entered Russia in July before situating herself in the same apartment building that Dugina resided in. Vovk would then follow Dugina to the festival in which the explosive device that led to her death was planted. Vovk, who was accompanied by her 12-year old daughter, fled to Estonia following the assassination, according to Russian intelligence. Following her identification, Russian law enforcement agencies declared their intent to seek her extradition." ZeroHedge

Zelensky warns against putting neo-Nazis on trial

"There will be no more peace talks with Russia if captured Ukrainian Neo-Nazis are subjected
to a “show trial,” the country's President Vladimir Zelensky has claimed.
The authorities of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have previously said that they are planning tribunals for suspected war crimes committed by Ukrainian troops, including members of the Azov Battalion, whose ranks include fighters with openly neo-Nazi views." RT

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Four more ships leave Ukraine, Turkey’s defence ministry says

"Four more ships carrying foodstuffs have left Ukraine’s ports, Turkey’s defence ministry
That brings the total number of vessels to leave Ukraine’s Black Sea ports under a United Nations-brokered grain export deal to 31." AlJazeera

Moscow says missiles destroyed depot

"Russia’s defence ministry says that sea-based Kalibr missiles destroyed an ammunition depot
containing missiles for US-made HIMARS rocket systems and other Western-made anti-aircraft systems in Ukraine’s Odesa region." AlJazeera

Daughter of top Putin ally Alexander Dugin, who pushed for Ukraine invasion, killed by car bomb outside Moscow

"The daughter of a Russian political philosopher was killed in a car bomb Saturday night that was meant for him, officials said. Russian criminal investigators said they were investigating her death as a murder.
Daria Dugina, the daughter of Alexander Dugin, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin and strategist behind Russia’s ongoing war effort in Ukraine, was killed when a bomb meant for him detonated in their vehicle." FOX

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Attack targets Russia’s Black Sea HQ

"A drone was shot down over the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea fleet in annexed Crimea
– the second such attempted attack in less than a month." AP

Friday, August 19, 2022

Stars: Nearly identical coffee shop chain replaces Starbucks in Moscow

"After Starbucks closed its stores in Moscow following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in late February, a close facsimile is now opening in its place.
The name -- Stars Coffee -- and the logo, a twin of the Starbucks mermaid wearing a Russian kokoshnik headdress instead of a crown, are practically the same. " EuroNews

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Ukrainian Southern Counteroffensive ‘Unlikely’ as Russia Bolsters Forces

"A significant Ukrainian offensive to recapture Russian-occupied territories in its southern
regions is seen as increasingly unlikely by experts as Moscow moves reinforcements to the area and Kyiv re-focuses on targeting Russian military capacity in the rear." MT

Finland says Russian MiG-31 fighter jets violated its airspace

"Two Russian MiG-31 fighter jets are suspected of violating Finnish airspace near the coastal
city of Porvoo on the Gulf of Finland.
The suspected jets were westbound, the defence ministry’s communications chief Kristian Vakkuri said, adding the aircraft were in Finnish airspace for two minutes." AlJazeera

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Turkey Strikes Northern Syria, Killing At Least 17, As Cross-Border Offensive Looms

 "Heavy fighting between Kurdish YPG and Turkish forces along the Syrian border town of Kobane, at a moment
Turkish President Erdogan's planned large scale cross-border offensive looms. Already there are Turkish media reports claiming that a Turkish military convoy has entered Jarablus, northern Syria - with unverified social media photos circulating that purport to show convoys amassing.
Turkish shelling of Syrian Kurdish positions has reportedly killed and wounded civilians including a 14-year old child. And a series of airstrikes have hit Syrian government border posts, killing 17. However, it's unclear how many among these were Syrian national troops, Kurdish militia fighters, or pro-government militia members who fight alongside the army.
A Syrian government statement said meanwhile that "Any attack on a military outpost run by our armed forces will be met with a direct and immediate response on all fronts," according to state-run SANA." ZeroHedge

Serbia refused the military base of the Russian Federation on its territory

Vučić said there is no place for Russian military bases in Serbia /"Serbia refused to place a Russian military base on its territory. But Belgrade decided to move towards expanding cooperation with NATO." UT

‘It is Now the turn of Trump and Pompeo’ Threatens Iran After Rushdie Stabbing

"Following the horrific stabbing of free speech advocate, Sir Salman Rushdie last Friday, Islamic extremists on Iranian state media have said the author brought the attack on himself for offending Muslims and that Trump and Pompeo are “next”." TP

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

China Starts More Military Drills Responding to Latest US Delegation To Taiwan

"China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) started fresh drills around Taiwan in response to a
congressional delegation that visited the island.
Wu Qian, a spokesman for China’s Defense Ministry, said the military exercises were a "resolute counterstrike and solemn deterrence to the consecutive provocations by the US and Taiwan that undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait." ZH

Zelenskyy, Macron discuss nuclear plant

"Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has condemned “Russia’s nuclear terrorism” at the
Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in a call with French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, while calling for more sanctions on Moscow." AlJazeera

Russia blames sabotage for new Crimea blasts

"Blaming "sabotage", Russian officials said a fire triggered the blasts in the Dzhankoi area,
another fire hit a power station and a railway was damaged. 
The FSB security service said Ukrainian saboteurs had also blown up six electricity pylons this month inside Russia itself." BBC

Monday, August 15, 2022

Putin & Kim As Leaders Of World's "Most Sanctioned Countries" Pledge Deeper Ties Against "Hostile" US

"The state medias of Russia and North Korea are reporting that leaders Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un have communicated mutual messages pledging deeper ties between the two nations, at a moment both find themselves heavily sanctioned by the United States and its allies." ZH

Russian Forces Shell Donetsk, Kharkiv Targets

"Ukraine’s military reported heavy shelling Monday by Russian forces, with at least three
more Ukrainian civilians killed and another 20 wounded.
The three deaths and 13 of the injuries were recorded in the eastern Donetsk region, the scene of intense fighting for weeks, as Moscow’s forces targeted numerous towns and villages since Sunday and hit dozens of residential buildings.
Another seven people were wounded in Kharkiv, the country’s second-largest city, where Russia also shelled residential buildings and an area near a bus stop." voa

Philippines eyes US helicopters after scrapping Russian deal

Philippines scraps deal to buy 16 Russian military choppers to avoid  inviting US sanctions | Russia Ukraine Crisis "Philippine officials are considering a U.S. offer to provide heavy-lift helicopters like its widely used Chinooks after Manila scrapped a deal to buy military choppers from Russia due to fears of Western sanctions, the Philippine ambassador to Washington said Monday." AP

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Kissinger believes US at the edge of war with Russia and China

"Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger believes that Washington is currently on the
brink of war with Moscow and Beijing, he said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.
Biden Administration's inability to separate "personal relationships with the adversary" from breaking diplomatic stability, Mr Kissinger said: "I think that the current period has a great trouble defining a direction." Without directly naming US President Joe Biden, the 99-year-old told the Wall Street Journal that the White House's historically low relations with Moscow and Beijing were a result of leaders being "responsive to the emotion of the moment". Saying the US had "partly created" Russia's issues with Ukraine and China's with Taiwan, Mr Kissinger added: "All you can do is not to accelerate the tensions and to create options, and for that, you have to have some purpose." Express

Ukraine destroys Russian supply bridges, one-fifth of ground forces

"Ukraine troops have blown up two primary bridges that Russian troops used to accessoccupied territory as the country’s top soldier said Saturday that one fifth of invading ground forces have been “destroyed” with the conflict nearing its sixth month." NYP

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Russia Says It May Sever US Relations If Declared Terrorism Sponsor

"A Russian diplomat warned that if his country is declared a state sponsor of terrorism, it
could not only harm US-Russo relations but potentially sever them completely.
Alexander Darchiyev, director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's North American department told the TASS news agency: 
"I would like to mention the legislative initiative currently being discussed in Congress to declare Russia a 'country sponsor of terrorism.' If passed, it would mean that Washington would have to cross the point of no return, with the most serious collateral damage to bilateral diplomatic relations, up to their lowering or even breaking them off. The US side has been warned." ZH

Friday, August 12, 2022

Putin fires commander of Russian Black Sea Fleet

"Putin began another round of purges in the Russian army. After the explosions at the airfield near the settlement of Novofedorivka in the annexed Crimea, the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Igor Osipov, was removed from his post." UkraineToday