Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Ukraine to Allies: Please Give us One Per Cent of Your GDP to Fight Russia

"One per cent of Western Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a worthy sacrifice to defeat
Russia says a Ukraine spokesman.
Ukraine very much appreciates the near-$37 billion the United States is already giving in military aid but more — much more, in fact — is needed, a Ukrainian diplomat now working as a full-time procurer of military equipment has said.
Andrij Melnyk, who is becoming well known beyond the borders of Ukraine for his persistent campaigning to push the envelope on military donations to Ukraine and being one of the loudest voices demanding larger numbers of tanks, Western jets, and even warships, made the comments on a German television political show this week, where he said Western nations had to cross their own “red lines” to send more equipment. 
To fight Russia, Ukaine’s allies should “pledge one per cent of their [GDP] to the attacked country”, Germany’s Die Welt reports Melnyk as having suggested." Breitbart

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