Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Polish Freight Carriers Block Ukrainian Border Crossing Over Unfair Trade

"In the latest backlash to preferential trade for Ukraine, Polish freight carriers have been
blocking one of the
Poland-Ukraine border crossings over the past week. The protesters, who have rejected an offer from the Ukrainian infrastructure ministry to allow Polish drivers to bring EU goods to Ukraine without permits, have demanded the reinstatement of the mutual entry permit program which was suspended when the war in Ukraine broke out. According to the report, several dozen Polish protesters are only allowing five lorries per hour to enter Poland from Ukraine at the crossing in Dorohusk - leaving truck drivers waiting for between six and ten days. RafaƂ Mekler, regional leader of the far-right Confederation party and the owner of a trucking company protesting in Dorohusk, noted that Kyiv’s decision to suspend the permits shows that “the Ukrainian side interprets as it wishes what it has agreed to”." ZH

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