Friday, March 22, 2024

Haiti: Vigilantes Set Suspected Gang Members on Fire

"Haitian gang members were killed and set on fire in the Petion-Ville suburb in Port-au-Prince in an apparent case of vigilantism. The bodies were reportedly burned after Haiti’s National
Police — considered one of the last functional branches of the barely-there
Haitian state — launched an operation in Petion-Ville on Wednesday to fight the violent gangs that have taken control of most of the country...... a witness saw two suspected gang members killed and set on fire, including a notorious gang leader known as “Makandal.” Reuters states that it reviewed footage that showed the bodies lying and being dragged on the street, “one man with his hands cut off.” “Makandal,” who was one of the thousands of men who escaped from prison in a massive jailbreak orchestrated by gang leader Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, was killed in the Wednesday police operation alongside some of his accomplices. Le National stated that local civilians burned “Makandal’s” body in a “sense of jubilation.” The gang leader’s home was also reportedly burned down." Breitbart

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