Friday, March 22, 2024

Poll: 71% of Palestinians Still Approve of Hamas October 7 Terror Attack

"A new poll of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza shows that 71% still approve of the
terror attack by Hamas on October 7 — a result that is almost unchanged since the same poll was taken late last year, though there have been geographic changes. The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research Poll conducted a survey among 1580 adults using face-to-face interviews in both the West Bank (830 respondents) and Gaza (750 respondents), with a 3% margin of error. As we did in our previous poll three months ago, we asked the respondents in this poll what they thought of Hamas’ decision to launch the October the 7th offensive. A vast majority of 71%, compared to 72% in December 2023, say it was correct. However, despite the stability of the total response, the findings do show significant change when looking at the two areas separately......the perception that the decision of the offensive was correct drops in the West Bank by 11 points and increases in the Gaza Strip by 14 points." Breitbart

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