Friday, May 31, 2024

Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with U.S. weapons

"The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia -- solely near the area of Kharkiv -- using U.S.-provided weapons, a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city." Ukrin

27 combat engagements on front lines

"Over the past day, 127 combat engagements were recorded. In total, the enemy launched
three missile attacks on the positions of Ukrainian troops and populated areas, using 22 missiles, as well as 64 air strikes, including 97 guided aerial missiles..... Russian forces attacked Kharkiv with S-300 and S-400 missiles from the territory of Belgorod region. Five hits were recorded, all in the Novobavarskyi district." Ukrin

Russians storming Nestryha Island, Kherson Oblast, after a pause

"Russians have started storming Nestryha Island (Kherson Oblast) once again after a pause. Ukrainian forces took control of the island on 28 April 2024." MS

Thursday, May 30, 2024

North Korea Dumps 260+ Balloons Full of Garbage and Feces into South Korea

"North Korea on Wednesday sent a swarm of balloons, loaded with garbage and feces, across the border, triggering air raid sirens in one South Korean border community. Late on Tuesday evening, residents of South Korea’s Gyeonggi province near the border village of Panmunjom were startled to see “air raid preliminary warnings” appearing on their cell phones." Breitbart

102 combat engagements took place

"Since the beginning of the yesterday, 102 combat engagements have taken place at the front, with fighting currently taking place in four areas. Ukrainian troops are depleting the enemy's offensive potential along the entire frontline and in the rear with fire. Over the last day, the Air Force, missile troops and artillery struck 14 areas where occupants' manpower was concentrated. Seven combat engagements with Russian invaders took place in the
Kharkiv sector. Four attacks were repelled near the village of Lyptsi and the town of Vovchansk. Fighting is ongoing in the latter, and the enemy's attack near the village of Starytsia continues. The situation is under control. The enemy suffered 79 casualties in the area over the last day.
Ukrainian troops destroyed an artillery system, 12 UAVs, 10 vehicles and a unit of special equipment. In addition, three ammunition depots and eight enemy hideouts were destroyed today.
In the Kupyansk sector, the enemy attempted 13 times to force
Ukrainian units from their positions. The fighting took place in the areas of Sinkivka, Petropavlivka, Novoyehorivka, Druzhelyubivka, Stepova Novoselivka, Andriivka and Nevske. No positions were lost. At present, fighting continues in four locations near Petropavlivka, Stepova Novoselivka, Druzhelyubivka and Nevske.
In the Lyman sector, five enemy attempts to advance were repelled in the areas of Terny, Torske and Serebryansky forest. Fighting continues in the area of Terny. The enemy is not successful. The situation is under control. In the Pokrovske sector,
Russian occupants continued their attempts to break into our defenses from the area of Ocheretyne over the last day - nine attacks were repelled, and another is ongoing. Fighting also continues near Sokol, Nevelske and Novoselivka Persha. In total, 23 combat engagements took place in the sector. Our defenders are taking active measures to stabilize the situation." Ukrin

Saudi Textbooks Remove Palestine From Most Maps, Amid Push To Normalize With Israel

"Saudi textbooks have removed the name “Palestine” from most maps where it previously
appeared, a study by an Israeli think-tank said. The study, conducted by the NGO Impact-se, tracks changes in Saudi school textbooks over the past five years, as reflected in the 2023-24 academic year. A reference to Israel as “the Zionist entity” in the 2021 social studies textbook for grades 10-12 was removed in the 2022 edition, and the entire textbook that included a lesson on Arab and Saudi support for the Palestinian cause was discontinued in 2023. The report also documented some alterations in textbooks that now refer to Israel in a less hostile tone." ZH

Explosions rock Kerch, Russians claim damage to ferries

"Russian local Telegram channels have reported explosions in Kerch, occupied Crimea, that occurred on the night of 29-30 May, and later the Russians reported damage to local ferries. At 01:30, the Russians announced the resumption of traffic on the Crimean Bridge.
Later, it was reported that about 20 explosions were heard in Kerch." MS

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Ukrainian forces launched a missile strike on occupied Crimea using U.S.-supplied missiles

"Ukrainian forces allegedly launched a missile strike on occupied Crimea using U.S.-supplied
missiles, targeting a radar station used by Russian troops.
The attack, reportedly involving ATACMS ballistic missiles, aimed at a communication center housing a key antenna for the Russian army's space observation station. Multiple explosions were reported in Simferopol, near Belbek airfield, and Novofedorivka—critical sites for the Russian military." MS

Putin Threatens West's 'Dense Populations' In 'Small Land Masses' In Response To NATO Escalation

"More and more European officials and NATO countries are on board with allowing Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory. Russian President
Vladimir Putin
on Tuesday issued one of his more dire warnings yet, putting Europe on notice by commenting on their possessing small land areas and dense populations. The veiled threat is very ominous especially in light of the fact that Russia just wrapped up tactical nuclear drills near Ukraine...Putin told reporters gathered in Tashkent during an official visit to the central Asian country of Uzbekistan, which is a former Soviet Republic, "Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences."
He also hinted at the prospect of nuclear war in posing: "If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons?" "It's hard to say - do they want a global conflict?" Putin questioned, warning that Ukraine hitting Russian territory with externally supplied long-range weapons would make the West directly involved in the conflict." ZH

Russian Forces Rescue Chadian Soldiers From Militant Captivity in Joint Operation

"The Chadian Defense Minister thanked Russia for its role, emphasizing its reliability as an African partner unlike France, the UK, and the US, which he claimed solely sought to exploit African nations.
soldiers successfully liberated 21 Chadian soldiers who had been held captive by illegal armed groups for nine months in a joint operation with colleagues from the Republic of Chad, the Russian Defense Ministery said.
"In Central Africa, Russian military personnel conducted a joint operation with colleagues of the Republic of Chad to liberate Chadian soldiers from captivity of militants of illegal armed groups," the statement said.
The soldiers had been captured by Islamic militants during a mine-clearing operation at an airport in the Tibesti region. They were held in inhumane conditions and tortured while held at the camp." Sputnik

76 combat engagements on front, Pokrovsk remains hottest sector

"The number of combat engagements on the front has increased to 76, with the Pokrovsk
sector remaining the hottest along the entire front line. The
Russian army continues to destroy Vovchansk, Kharkiv region, by striking it with guided aerial bombs. Since the beginning of the day, the invaders have dropped six aerial guided bombs on the city.
In this sector of the front, the Ukrainian defenders are strengthening their defenses and repelling enemy attacks.
In the Kupiansk sector, there were 14 combat clashes. Ten attempts by the Russian army to advance have already been repelled. Fighting is currently ongoing in the areas of Synkivka, Petropavlivka and Nevske." Ukrin

Is Russia Preparing To Strategically Partner With The Taliban?

"The Taliban remain international outcasts due to their refusal to implement a truly ethno-politically inclusive government per their prior promises as well as their treatment of women.
Although no tangible progress has been made on either of those two very sensitive issues, economic and security interests pushed regional stakeholders to enter into de facto relations with this group for pragmatic reasons. As can be seen, Russia’s previous threat perception of the Taliban has disappeared, and it now considers the group to be a regional security provider with respect to containing ISIS-K. Moreover, Afghanistan’s location enables it to facilitate Russian trade with Pakistan, both commercial and energy. These interests have combined to inspire Russia to more openly embrace this group, which comes ahead of next month’s investment forum and October’s BRICS Summit. Here are some detailed background briefings: Basically, Russia sees Afghanistan as an indispensable part of its larger geostrategic reorientation to Muslim-majority countries, while the Taliban believes that Russia can help their country preemptively avert potentially disproportionate dependence on China and especially Pakistan. They also have shared economic interests with respect to facilitating trade between Russia-Central Asia and South Asia via Afghanistan from which that transit country can profit accordingly to help rebuild its economy.
Something big is obviously in the works between them judging by the timing of
Russia’s deliberations on removing the Taliban from its terrorist list just before next week’s St. Petersburg International Investment Forum. In all likelihood, not only does Russia expect to make progress on its reportedly planned Afghan oil hub, but there might even be an update about President Putin’s envisaged delivery of Russian pipeline gas to Pakistan through Afghanistan that he mentioned only once in September 2022." ZeroHedge

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Nearly 80 attacks on front lines today, fierce fighting ongoing in Pokrovsk sector

"Nearly 80 attacks have occurred on the front lines since the beginning of the day, with intense fighting ongoing in the Pokrovsk sector.
The Russian military is conducting air strikes in the northern Kharkiv region using guided
aerial bombs. Today the enemy has already conducted at least 25 strikes with guided aerial bombs. In particular, two such bombs were used to attack Kharkiv itself.
In the Kupiansk sector, Russian troops tried to break through Ukrainian defenses nine times but suffered significant losses - about ten Russian soldiers were killed and fifty more were wounded. Among the destroyed weapons of the Russian army was a modern EW station Serp-VS5. Two enemy cannons were damaged.
In the Siversk sector, the number of Russian assaults increased to six, and in the Kramatorsk sector - to eight. The Russian army continues to increase pressure on Chasiv Yar and its surroundings.
In the Pokrovsk sector, Ukrainian troops have repelled 21 enemy attacks since the beginning of the day. "It is not easy for Ukrainian defenders, but the situation is under control," the General Staff added.
In the Vremivka sector, the Russian army continues attacks using aircraft and anti-aircraft guns. Nine enemy assaults were repelled near the settlements of Staromaiorske and Urozhaine. The Russians also launched air strikes against these villages." Ukrin

Ukraine Strike on Nuclear Site Raises Alarm

"The alarm has been raised in the West following a Ukrainian drone attack on a Russian radar
facility in Krasnodar, which is used for tracking nuclear missiles. This site also forms part of Russia’s nuclear warning system, a critical component of its national defense. The strike has sparked criticism from experts, who question the wisdom of targeting nuclear infrastructure amid heightened tensions. Hans Kristensen, a nuclear arsenal expert, expressed that it was “not a wise decision on the part of Ukraine,” noting the distinction between hitting military sites used for direct assaults and those pivotal for nuclear deterrence." MS

Zelensky arrives in Spain

"President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has arrived in Spain for a visit..... the program of the visit includes meetings with Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and King Felipe VI of Spain." Ukrin

Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian ammunition depot in Bakhmut sector

"The pilots of Vampire strike UAVs of the Phoenix border guard unit have destroyed a Russian ammunition depot and hit the positions and shelters of the invaders in the Bakhmut sector." Ukrin

Monday, May 27, 2024

95 combat engagements in frontline over past day

"Since the beginning of the last day, 95 combat engagements took place in the frontline. The situation in the Kupianske and Pokrovske sectors remains the most intense. "The Russian aggressor is trying to use its superiority in manpower and equipment and air support. Ukrainian soldiers are fighting back, and in some areas they are conducting effective assault operations to improve the stability of defense and restore positions. This day, the Air Force, missile troops and artillery struck 16 areas of concentration of occupants' manpower," the statement said." Ukrin

Two drones crash into Russian oil depot in Oryol region

"Two drones crashed into the territory of an oil depot in the city of Livny, Oryol region, Russia." MS

Baltic officials said they could send troops to Ukraine without waiting for NATO if Russia scores a breakthrough

"MPs for the Baltic States have been warning German officials that they might send troops to Ukraine.Their condition would be if Russia achieves a breakthrough in Ukraine, Der Spiegel reported.
They issued the warning as part of an argument for Germany to support Ukraine more aggressively, per the outlet." MS

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Biden's blunt words for Putin spark outrage in Russia

"We are standing strong with Ukraine and we will stand with them. We are standing against a man who I have known well for many years, a brutal tyrant, and we will not walk away," said Biden at West Point, reminding of the crimes committed in Ukraine by the army sent there by Putin. TASS agency are outraged by Biden's words." MS

Ukrainian conscientious objectors off to Jail

 "Two Ukrainian conscientious objectors who refused the country’s mandatory mobilization during the war with Russia have been sentenced to three-year jail terms, according to a report in the Eurasia Review. Serhy Stadnitsky, a Protestant, and the other man, an unnamed Jehovah’s Witness, have appealed their convictions on religious grounds.
If convicted, the two would join Seventh-day Adventist conscientious objector Dmytro Zelinsky who is serving a three-year sentence while waiting for his appeal to be heard by the
Ukrainian Supreme Court on June 13.
Ukrainian constitution and the United Nations Human Rights Committee call for non-military alternatives for those who object to military service on religious bases, but Ukraine’s Defense Ministry has argued that during wartime, the limited alternative services provided during peacetime do not exist.
Baptist conscientious objectors Ernest Pavlenko and Ilya Nikolenko were forcibly taken to a military unit in Zhytomyr Region. “Appropriate measures will be taken against them,” an official of the regional department of the Military Law-Enforcement Service told Forum 18. “Whether they will face criminal prosecution depends on how they behave.” Asked why they cannot be released and allowed to do an alternative civilian service as they have requested, the official responded: “Because there’s a war”.
On the morning of 30 April, Forum 18 asked Viktor Yelensky, head of the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience:
– why jail terms and trials continue for those who cannot serve in the military on grounds of conscience and who have expressed willingness to perform alternative civilian service;
– and what progress there has been on introducing an alternative civilian service where individuals can, for example, work in a hospital." 

Russian Troops Take Control Over Arkhangelskoe Settlement in DPR

"The Russian armed forces have taken control over the Arkhangelskoye settlement in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Russia's Battlegroup Tsentr have hit Ukrainian troops in a number of villages in the Donetsk People's Republic, and repulsed three attacks, eliminating up to 410 Ukrainian servicepeople." Sputnik

Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach

"A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza's coast has broken off
and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.
The Times of Isreal's military correspondent Emanuel Fabian has reported that "An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say." ZeroHedge

Two UAVs strike Epicenter shopping mall, leading to fire, deaths, and injuries

"An explosion rocked Kharkiv at 4:02 p.m., with Mayor Ihor Terekhov reporting that a plane had crashed into a residential area. There were about 200 people in the Epicenter at the time of the Russian attack, according to Terekhov.
At 5:22 p.m., Terekhov, citing the director of the Epicenter, told reporters that about 15 employees of the hypermarket are unaccounted for." NV

Urgent meeting held at desolate Antarctica airbase amid fears over Russian control

"Officials from Chile have met at the bottom of the planet in a bid to bolster claims in
Antarctica as tensions escalate over Russian movement in the area.
Members of Chile‘s parliamentary defense committee flew to a desolate air base for a meeting billed as an assertion of national sovereignty.
Singling out Russia as posing such a threat, committee member Camila Flores said: “We are going to be sitting in Antarctica in an act of sovereignty, of safeguarding and supporting our national integrity in the face of any threats.”
They revealed little about their talks at the glacier-filled base, beyond saying they addressed “the prevailing geopolitical conditions” on the white continent that has vast mineral resources, fresh water reserves and no government." MS

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hamas says it captured Israeli soldiers

Hamas said on Saturday (May 25) that its fighters captured Israeli soldiers during fighting in northern Gaza's Jabalia. Speaking to Al Jazeera, Abu Ubaida, the spokesperson for Hamas' armed wing Al Qassam Brigades, said, "Our fighters lured a Zionist force into an ambush inside a tunnel ... The fighters withdrew after they left all members of the force dead, wounded, and captured." Wion

Several killed in deadly Russian strike on Ukraine's Kharkiv DIY store

"Russia bombed a hardware superstore in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv killing at least six people and wounding 40, Ukraine officials said, in an attack condemned as "vile" by President Volodymyr Zelensky." France24

Bone-chilling footage shows a Hamas terrorist and his teenage son casually telling Israeli interrogators how they took turns raping a woman

"Bone-chilling new footage shows a Hamas terrorist and his teenage son casually telling Israeli interrogators how they took turns raping a woman then executed her during the Oct. 7 terror rampage.
Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his 18-year-old son, Abdallah, were seized by the Israel Defense Forces in the Gaza Strip this spring and subsequently questioned about the terror attack, the Daily Mail revealed.
Jamal described finding a woman who was “screaming” and “crying” in a house at Kibbutz Nir Oz, a community near the Israel-Gaza border, “I did what I did, I raped her,” he said nonchalantly.
I threatened her with my gun to take her clothes off, I remember she was wearing jean shorts, that’s about it,” he added.
Jamal claimed that he did not know what happened to the woman after the rape, but his teen son told the interrogator that his father killed the desperate victim.
My father raped her, then I did and then my cousin did and then we left but my father killed the woman after we finished raping her,” Abdallah said in his own interview tape.
Of the 400 residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz, at least 20 were killed on Oct. 7 and 80 were kidnapped.
Jamal appeared unfazed as he explained in horrifying detail how he entered one home and killed the couple who were hiding inside.
In the first house, I found a woman and her husband, and we hit them with fire and killed them … they were in their late 40s,” he recalled."

Russian Forces Liberate Kleshcheyevka in Donetsk

"Armed Forces of Ukraine have withdrawn a significant portion of their forces from the Kleshcheyevka area to redeploy them to Chasov Yar.
Units of the Battlegroup Yug have taken control of Kleshcheyevka in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) as a result of active operations." RT

U.S. intelligence expecting North Korean 'October surprise'

"U.S. officials are preparing for North Korea to undertake increasingly 'provocative' actions in
the run-up to the November elections, as Pyongyang cements longstanding ties with Moscow. It comes in anticipation of a likely meeting between
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was reelected this year with 87 per cent of the vote after more than two decades in power.
Some of the escalatory actions, whatever they may be, are expected to come close to the U.S. election, according to intelligence officials.
Biden Administration officials are raising concerns about the alliance, which comes amid an embrace between U.S. rivals Russia and China during the run-up to Russia's invasion of Ukraine." MS

Russian Forces Liberate Andreyevka in Donetsk

"Units of the Yug Battlegroup have liberated Andreyevka in the Donetsk People's Republic
and inflicted damage on the personnel and equipment of the 57th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the 105th and 118th Territorial Defense Brigades in the areas of the settlements of Konstantinovka, Razdolovka, and Chasov Yar." RT

China Stages Missile Strikes and Bombing Runs on Taiwan Using Jets Loaded with Live Weapons

"China stepped up its “punishment” military drill around Taiwan, staging mock missile attacks and bombing runs against the island, plus simulated attacks on foreign vessels that might come to Taiwan’s aid.
The Chinese jets participating in the drill were clearly armed with live missiles." Breitbart

Russian Troops Liberate Belogorovka in Lugansk

"Russian forces took full control of the village of Belogorovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic." RT

Videos Show Fiery Detonation, Charred Remains of Russia's $800M Air Defense

"Ukraine launched U.S-supplied missiles in an attack that destroyed an $800 million Russian air defense system close to the front lines in eastern Ukraine, according to reports.

Telegram channels shared videos on Thursday that purportedly show an explosion and the charred remains of a Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile system at an airfield in Mospyne, in the occupied Donetsk region. A video of the destruction was posted by the "Jay in Kyiv" X (formerly Twitter) account, linked to the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation, which specializes in helping the Ukrainian Defense Forces and civilians affected by the Russian-Ukrainian war.
"That ATACMS strike on Russian occupied Donetsk yesterday has Russians whining that their $800,000,000 S400 missile system was destroyed along with a bunch of nice radar systems," the X account said." MS

Friday, May 24, 2024

Ukraine Enforces Desperate Conscription Laws As Russian Troops Close In On Kharkiv

"Ukraine is now enforcing a new mobilization law which is being called 'divisive' among
Ukrainian citizens and some political leaders. The law requires men ages 18-60 to carry their military paperwork at all times to be presented to authorities on demand. It lowers the minimum draft age from 27 to 25 (Ukraine has a demographic shortage of men ages 18-25). And, all military age Ukrainian men abroad must come back to Ukraine to renew their passports, including refugees driven from their homes in the early days of the war." ZH

113 combat clashes along frontlines in past 24 hours

"Over the past day, 113 combat engagments took place on the Ukrainian battlefield. Lykhovii
added that the enemy fired more than 4,000 artillery strikes, including 147 with the use of multiple rocket launchers. Russian aggressors executed three missile strikes that involved 13 missiles, as well as 57 airstrikes, dropping 97 aerial guided bombs, and more than 990 drone strikes on the positions of Ukrainian troops." Ukrin

Russian Proposal To Change Baltic Sea Border Briefly Appears Online

"Russia just gave its Baltic neighbors a big scare this week, after a new draft decree appeared
on a government website published by the defense ministry which proposed redrawing 100+ year old borders around Russian islands in the Gulf of Finland as well as around the exclave of Kaliningrad.
The draft appeared briefly on Russia's TASS news agency only to disappear by Wednesday, where a page at the link said "draft deleted". Russian media has since denied that there are any such plans to move sea borders deeper into Baltic waters." ZH

US Deploys Anti-Air Defense System On Gaza Aid Pier

"Israeli media has reported that two American soldiers were injured Thursday in an accident
which occurred while working on the Gaza humanitarian pier.
"Two U.S. soldiers sustained light injuries on Thursday during a work accident near the temporary floating pier in Gaza," i24 News said.
The pier has seen the first aid trucks roll off in the last several days, but the whole operation has been off to a chaotic start. As of Tuesday there had not been any deliveries confirmed even though several trucks had departed with aid.
"Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said Tuesday that the issues have arisen once the aid was loaded onto nongovernmental organization trucks, departed the marshaling area and headed toward distribution warehouses in Gaza," Navy Times reported.
Some of the trucks had reportedly been taken over by desperate Palestinians before making it to their destination." ZH

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Intel Lawmakers Urge Biden to Allow Ukraine to Strike Russia with U.S.-Provided Weapons

"House Intelligence Committee leaders and members on Monday called for the Biden
administration to allow Ukraine to strike Russia with American provided weapons under certain conditions.
 Intelligence Committee Chairman Michael Turner (R-OH), Ranking Member Jim Himes (D-CT), Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA), and other committee lawmakers wrote to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, urging the Biden administration to convey their “strong support” for the Ukrainians’ request during their protracted conflict with Russia." Breitbart

Netanyahu Issues Warning To US Leaders Over ICC Arrest Warrants: 'You're Next'

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that he disagrees with arrest warrants sought against him by the International Criminal Court (ICC), suggesting that U.S. leaders could be next.Mr. Netanyahu said the warrants against himself and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over the country’s conduct in its fight against Hamas in the Gaza Strip set a “dangerous” precedent for other democratic countries, including Israel’s allies." ZH

139 combat engagements

"As many as 139 combat engagements occurred along the front lines in Ukraine.Russians launched more than 3,200 shelling attacks, including 164 using multiple rocket launchers. The enemy carried out airstrikes near the settlements of Lyptsi, Vovchansk and Starytsia in the Kharkiv region, Serhiivka and Tverdokhlibove in the Luhansk region, Chasiv Yar,
Oleksandropil, Kalynove, Novoselivka Persha, Makarivka, Yasnobrodivka, Siversk, Deliivka, Hryhorivka, Pivnichne and Druzhba in the Donetsk region, Novoandriivka and Vozdvyzhivka in the Zaporizhzhia region, Tiahynka, Inhulivka and Tokarivka in the Kherson region, as well as Ochakiv, Shchaslyve and Petrivka in the Mykolaiv region.Eleven combat engagements were recorded on the Kharkiv front on May 22.In the Lyman sector, the enemy made seven unsuccessful attempts to break through
Ukrainian defenses near Torske and Terny in the Donetsk region.
In the Siversk sector, Ukrainian forces repelled ten Russian attacks near Bilohorivka, Luhansk region, as well as Verkhniokamianske and Vyimka in the Donetsk region.
In the Kramatorsk sector, the enemy made 11 unsuccessful attempts to break through the defenses of Ukrainian forces outside the settlements of Chasiv Yar, Novyi, Ivanivske, Klishchiivka and Andriivka.: Ukrin

Most French voters not concerned about Ukraine

"Security at home is a far more important issue for French voters ahead of the European
Parliament election
, despite President Emmanuel Macron’s attempts to use the Russia-Ukraine conflict to his advantage.
Macron began ramping up his rhetoric on Ukraine in February, accusing the National Rally (RN) of being Russian stooges and Kremlin sympathizers, while positioning his Renaissance bloc as the “only pro-European campaign.”
An Odoxa poll conducted last week, however, shows only 10% of French voters consider the Ukraine conflict among the top three factors that would influence their vote in the EU election, while 35% named domestic security." RT

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Russian attack leaves Sumy without electricity

"A Russian drone attack has left Ukraine's northeastern city of Sumy without electricity." Ukrin

Biden Admin Has Paid Taliban Nearly $11 Million Since Withdrawal Disaster

"The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) reported on Monday that the Biden administration has overseen $10.9 million in payments to the Taliban junta in Afghanistan since President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal of American forces in August 2021.
SIGAR said the bulk of this U.S. taxpayer funding for the Taliban regime came from “taxes” collected by the terrorists. About half a million dollars of the payments were for “payments for utilities, fees, and customs duties.” Worse still, the report said the $10.9 million tracked by SIGAR’s auditors was “likely only a fraction of the total amount of U.S. assistance funds provided to the Taliban” because “U.N. agencies receiving U.S. funds did not collect data or provide relevant information about their subawardees’ payments.” Breitbart

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

74 combat clashes

"The number of combat clashes has now increased to 74. Today, the Pokrovsk axis remains the hottest. Also, the enemy has become significantly more active in Kharkiv region.
Kharkiv axis: Russian invaders have carried out 10 assaults since day-start with the aim of capturing Ukrainian defense lines.
Siversk axis: the number of combat clashes increased to 10. In addition to Bilohorivka, where active hostilities continue, the Russians tried to advance near Vyimka.
Kramatorsk axis: fighting has been taking place in the Andriivka area since morning, and the number of enemy assaults since day-start has remained at nine.
Pokrovsk axis: Russian invaders maintain high fire pressure, having already undertaken 27 attempts to break through Ukraine’s defenses. The situation remains tense, but under the control of Ukrainian defenders.
Prydniprovska axis: the enemy has launched unsuccessful assaults three times since the day-start, aimed at the bridgeheads of Ukraine’s Defense Forces on the left bank of the Dnipro." Ukrin

Russians conduct sabotage and reconnaissance actions on border with Chernihiv and Sumy regions

"Russians are conducting sabotage and reconnaissance activities on the border with Chernihiv and Sumy regions and increasing the density of minefields along the state border." Ukrin

Poll: Majority Oppose Biden Withholding Arms from Israel

"A new Harvard-Harris poll for the month of May confirms data from previous iterations of
the poll that suggest roughly 80% of
American voters back Israel over the terrorist group Hamas in the ongoing war in Gaza. Two-thirds (66%) of voters said that there should only be a ceasefire once the remaining Israeli (and American) hostages are released and Hamas has been removed from power. Three-fourths (74%) said Israel should move forward with its operation against Hamas in Rafah — a position at odds with that of the Biden administration. 56% said that President Joe Biden’s decision to withhold some arms from Israelmainly embolden[s] Hamas and backers like Iran to continue the war and violent actions.” Only those 18-24 years old narrowly disagreed." Breitbart