Thursday, February 24, 2022

Chinese State Media Accidentally Releases Censorship Rules On Russia–Ukraine Coverage

"A quickly-deleted social media post - released to the public apparently by accident - provides

a rare glimpse of how the CCP’s messaging on the escalating Ukraine-Russia tension is channeled to the masses.

Horizon News, a video news network under state-run Beijing News, on Feb. 22 instructed staff to avoid posting any Ukraine-related content on China’s Twitter-like Weibo that may come across as unfavorable to Russia or pro-Western.

Let me review your draft before you first put it out,” stated the Weibo post, which has since been removed. Commentaries, it added, must be “carefully selected and controlled,” while topic selections should follow the lead of People’s Daily, Xinhua, and CCTV—three of the country’s foremost Party mouthpieces.

“Whoever publishes them will be held responsible,” the post stated, noting that each post should be monitored for at least two days." ZeroHedge

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