Thursday, February 24, 2022

Human rights reporter accuses UN group of abandoning her in Ukraine amid Russian invasion

"Human rights journalist Sara Cincurova slammed the United Nations’ Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Thursday after she said the agency abandoned her on a train in Ukraine amid Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country.

"I’m a freelance reporter and was invited as a guest to a press trip you organized for me in Kramatorsk and confirmed at 8 p.m. yesterday," she tweeted Thursday. "At 5:54, while I was on the night train, you cancelled my trip by WhatsApp and told me you will not even pick me up!"

She said she was left alone, without body armor, and told it was up to her where to disembark from the train "while hostilities were going on all around." Her whereabouts could not immediately be independently confirmed." FOX

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