Thursday, February 24, 2022

UK Pushing To Kick Russia Out Of SWIFT, But Germany Says No

"...... it has long been suggested that the west could expel Russia from SWIFT, effectively
Russia out of the entire dollar-payment system, and leaving Russia with few payment alternatives, one of which would be of course bitcoin.

Well, adding fuel to the fire, moments ago the FT reported that UK prime minister Boris Johnson was pushing “very hard” for Russia to be ejected from the Swift international payments system, "a move that would deliver a heavy blow to the country’s banks and its ability to trade beyond its borders."
However, in an even more surprising twist, the FT also reports that Olaf Scholz, German chancellor, "warned Johnson on Thursday that his country would not support such a dramatic move and neither would the EU, according to officials close to sanctions negotiations." A German official declined to comment, saying only that “all options are still on the table”. ZeroHedge

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